Forever Hometown

FORMAN MURAL | 2019 | 12’ x 8’ | Mural | Forman, North Dakota, 2019

Forever Hometown is a mural that tells a visual story of Forman, North Dakota. Known for it’s unique and original architecture such as the courthouse, homes, and churches. Forman’s annual Car Fest and the Sargent County Fair Derby Contest attracts people from all over North Dakota and beyond. Forman has a long history of co-op farming and grain storage. The community is dedicated to the preservation of wildlife, tree planting, and natural and paved walking paths throughout town. The North Dakota State Forest Service awarded the town of Forman the “Trees Award” in 2018 for its preservation and conservation efforts. Lake Lithia, a natural lake in the middle of town, is a popular destination with the community. Once during the turn of the century, its lake water was advertised as a cure for all ailments!

In the mural, see if you can find a slithering python! In 2018, a community member reported their pet python missing. News about the missing python became both popular and concerning. The city started receiving phone calls not only from the community but from all over the state! The python was eventually located on the top of a cabinet in the owners home!

Thank you to the North Dakota Council On the Arts, Artist in Residence Grant and the City of Forman for their support of the Forever Hometown mural.


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