Panel Murals

Panel Murals | 2022 | acrylic on plywood | 4’ x 4’ | Westside Elementary School | Sisseton, South Dakota

Since the history of the United States, Native Americans have experienced intergenerational trauma and adverse childhood experiences that have contributed to high rates of depression and other mental illnesses to include suicide.

Westside Elementary School has a predominately Native American student population. Along with a small percentage of non-native students, there is also a growing number of Hispanic students.

The theme of the four panel mural references the principles of Habits of Mind as well as Westside Elementary School’s core values: being prepared, always feeling safe, value respect, and eager to learn. When guiding 1st through 4th grade students through the creative process, students learned the importance of belonging, believing in yourself, caring for others, having good character, building trust, encouragement, and most importantly, love and respect for your fellow classmates. 

Thank you to Dr. April Moen, Principal at Westside Elementary School, students and staff, and the South Dakota Arts Council Artists in Schools & Communities Program Grant.

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